Policies and Procedures

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Precious kids have an extensive number of policies and procedures in place, here you will find a selection of these that steer and govern the way we in which work, support and develop children.
Policies and procedures are essential to help provide a good quality provision that is compliant with the Statutory Framework for the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS). The EYFS requires providers to have written policies and procedures; and to provide staff with training at induction to ensure that they fully understand, and know how to implement, the policies and procedures and to ensure that they are accessible and clearly explained to parents.
At Precious Kids, we acknowledge that our Policies and Procedures are fundamental to ensuring that we maintain the highest standards at all times. They are vital for everything we do and for that reason we ensure that they are consistently maintained. These policies and procedures include Health and Safety, Equal Opportunities, Anti-Bullying, Settling-in Policy and many more. All of our policies and procedures can be viewed below and they are also in the parents/carers handbook in the lobby area of the nursery.